Tom Mody founder of Audiotude music library & record label


Tom Mody 

Composer, Publisher & Manager of Audiotude.

Blending his two professional passions, business and artistic expression, Tom Mody launched Audiotude in 2024 along with his new publishing entity Sonama 66 Music.

As a 30+ year entrepreneur and life long musician, Tom's final professional act is to sit at the composers desk creating catalogs of music that will endure past him.  Part library, part label, Audiotude will be managed by Mody Company Creative willing to grow in either direction as momentum allows, but most adamantly, towards a global sub publishing distribution model for all music in media.         

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Audiotude music library logo 

 A production music library and record label
managed by composer/producer Tom Mody.  


Tom Mody
Mody Company Creative 

56 West Main St.
Norwich, NY 13815
607-336-6233 (US)


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